Thursday, 27 November 2014

Discovering the wall

On Tuesday 25,  I visited the school La Sainte Union to continue with the 'Human Rights Lunch Club'

I prepared some questions about 'the separation wall' and some CADFA leaflets to show. The aim of  the session was to discover the history and the reasons about why they built the wall.
The students opened their computers and they started to search for some answers and at the same time we talked about the things that they were funding.

It was interesting to hear them talking about their feelings that the wall produced, because it is good not to  forget what is happening in Palestine. Some people expressed fear, or pain, horror, etc. and everybody  condemned the illegal construction.

At the next lunch club we will finish the questionnaire and continue enjoying and learning about Human Rights and Palestine.  I want to say 'thank you very much' to the students and I hope we will have a very interesting time together!

Emilio  Sanchez. 

1.Where is the wall? It is in the West Bank along the armistice line, also known as 'the green line' and also in Gaza.
2.When did they start to do it? The Palestine's wall began construction in 2002.
3.Who is building the Wall?
4.What do the Israelis say about the reason for building it?
5.And what do you think?
6.How long is the wall? When completed, the wall will be 700km long.
7.How high is the wall?  The wall is 8m high.
8.What's the reason for it being double the length?
9.What Human Rights have they broken?
10.What is the international community saying about it?

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